Doctor Raymond Kim

Ray is an adult & paediatric rhinologist - Ear, Nose & Throat (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology) specialist, with subspecialist training in rhinology.

Rhinology involves advanced nasal and sinus surgeries, as well as skull base tumour resection. He is an endoscopic surgeon and performs his operations via nostrils using endoscopes and various specialised instruments, and also performs rhinoplasties if required to improve nasal breathing. Beyond the nose and sinuses, he teams with neurosurgeons for brain surgeries, and with eye surgeons for eye / tear duct system surgeries, all through the nose.

He is a consultant surgeon at Auckland City Hospital, Starship Children’s Hospital and Gillies Hospital, and a member of the Auckland Regional Head and Neck Cancer Multidisciplinary Team.

He is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland, actively conducting research, and one of the leaders making scientific advancements in the field. He is involved in undergraduate teaching, and supervision of postgraduate students.

Ray is also a member of the committee with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, responsible for selecting and training ORL surgeons in New Zealand.

The thesis titled, “Characterising the subepithelial mucosa in chronic rhinosinusitis: influences of microbes and immunity” awarded him Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Surgery, and his publications have thus far been cited over 150 times internationally, and he presents his research regularly at national and international academic conferences.

He is the elected Treasurer for the Australia and New Zealand Rhinologic Society, and members of the American Rhinologic Society, the New Zealand Society of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, and the Australia & New Zealand Paediatric Society of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery.